• You struggle to stay consistent, swinging between health streaks and inactivity.

  • You procrastinate, setting fresh start dates like, “I’ll begin on Monday.”

  • You struggle to stick to your commitments.

  • You talk about your ambitions, but are not taking action.

  • You tried multiple avenues—diets, trainers, coaches—yet nothing has stuck.

If yes to any, you are in the right place!

Get started with my Consistency Code Masterclass.

In the masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • The two roadblocks hindering your consistency

  • Choosing a wellness method (hint: one size does NOT fit all)

  • Warning signs that indicate you'e chosen the wrong method

  • The mandatory mindset required to stay on track

  • Navigating expectations and emotions

  • My tried-and-true consistency code that will keep you on course

Does this sound like you?

hi, i’m lindsay!

The secret to success? One word: HABITS.

It wasn’t until I committed to building rock-solid habits that I achieved the body, business, and lifestyle I desired.

In the past, inconsistency plagued me – bouncing between diets, business endeavors, and daily routines. Despite knowing what to do, I struggled to follow through consistently. Having a clear vision, but making minimal progress, frustrated me.

Finally, I figured it out! Delving deep, I discovered the right system and structure for success. Now armed with the magic formula, I’m eager to share it with you!

Habits is my monthly membership designed to give you the accountability, support, and inspiration needed to build and stick to your healthy habits.